Configure Manual Headroom

In our example we are going to use manual headroom in order to demostrate the value of having headroom capacity.

By default while creating an Ocean cluster, automatic headroom is enabled while manual headroom is not.

Enable automatic headroom in the console

From within the spot console; open the Ocean cluster “Customize Scaling” settings from the “Actions” menu.


From within the scaling setting panel, make sure to click “Activate” to enable automatic headroom.


Headroom can also be enabled at the VNG level. From within the VNG settings panel, make sure to click “Activate” to enable manual headroom.


Enable automatic headroom in the config

Enable automatic headroom by following one of the two sections based on your preference

  1. Allow both automatic and manual headroom by enabling the enableAutomaticAndManualHeadroom configuration (recommended)


  2. Disable automatic headroom
